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Kūkulu, a change agent you can trust.

Meet our Founder.


Herbert (Pua) Pualiialoha Ishibashi Jr.

Founder and CEO, Kukulu Culture Optimization.

Pua established Kukulu in 2009 and has guided its growth and evolution to what it is today. He was born and raised in Hawaii, the most culturally diverse state in America and one of the most racially diverse places on earth. Having a mixed-race ancestry of Hawaiian, Japanese, English, Irish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish, he learned, from an early age, the importance of recognizing, respecting, and appreciating different cultures. 


Pua has had the opportunity to travel and work in different parts of the world. His background and experiences have provided him with the skillset to navigate and effectively interact with individuals and groups from different cultures and diverse places.


Pua is a community advocate and change agent recognized for his ability to remove barriers and build bridges between individuals and groups. Married with six children and sixteen grandchildren, he received his undergraduate degree (business and economics) from the University of Hawaii and law degree from Gonzaga University School of Law (Washington).

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