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Develop strategies to increase integrity, curiosity, authentic communication, and collective responsibility.

What is Culture Optimization?


To answer this question we must first define what culture is. Culture as used here refers to two things, an organization's culture and an organization's cultural intelligence. Though these two terms sound similar, they are very different.

An organization's culture essentially refers to a system of customs, traditions, values, beliefs, and language that an organization shares in common and that defines them as an organization. This system (culture) helps members understand what is expected of them and what are and are not appropriate behaviors within a culture (organization). 

Cultural intelligence (CQ) here refers to an organization's ability to adapt to and work effectively in different cultural context.

Whether you are concerned about your organizations culture or CQ we can help. Through education and training we can optimize the type of culture you have or would like to have in your organization. We can also help you enhance your cultural competence (CQ) to better understand the people you work with (employees) and serve. (customers).

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